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Users and Permissions

Effective user management and role-based access control are crucial for maintaining security and efficiency in your QA processes. QA Sphere offers a flexible and robust permissions system that allows you to fine-tune access levels for each member of your team. This guide will walk you through the various roles available in QA Sphere and how to manage them.

Understanding QA Sphere Roles

QA Sphere provides five distinct roles, each with its own set of permissions and responsibilities. These roles are designed to cater to different levels of involvement and authority within your QA process.

1. Owner

The Owner role is the highest level of authority in QA Sphere.

Key Characteristics:

  • There can only be one Owner per QA Sphere instance.
  • The Owner is typically the first user who set up the QA Sphere account.
  • This role cannot be deleted.


  • Has unrestricted access to all features and settings.
  • Can change anything within the system.
  • Can assign the Owner role to another user (in which case, the current Owner becomes an Admin).

Best Practices:

  • Reserve this role for the highest level of management or the primary stakeholder of the QA process.
  • Consider transitioning to an Admin role once the system is set up and stable, to reduce the risk of accidental system-wide changes.

2. Admin

The Admin role is designed for users who need comprehensive control over the QA Sphere instance, but with some limitations compared to the Owner.


  • Can change almost anything in the system.
  • Has access to all projects and global settings.
  • Can manage users, including creating new users and assigning roles.
  • Cannot delete the Owner or change the Owner's permissions.

Best Practices:

  • Assign this role to QA managers or team leads who need to oversee multiple projects and manage team members.
  • Limit the number of Admins to maintain better control and security.

3. User

The User role is suitable for team members actively involved in the QA process across one or more projects.


  • Can work on specific projects or all projects (as assigned by an Admin or Owner).
  • Can create and manage test runs, milestones, and test cases within their assigned projects.
  • Cannot add new projects, rename/complete/delete projects, manage users, or change global settings.

Best Practices:

  • This should be the default role for most team members involved in creating and executing tests.
  • Regularly review User project assignments to ensure they have access to all necessary projects.

4. Test Runner

The Test Runner role is designed for team members primarily responsible for executing test runs.


  • Can work on test runs of specific projects (or all projects, as assigned).
  • Can update test run status and results.
  • Cannot modify test cases or create new ones.
  • Cannot change project settings or manage users.

Best Practices:

  • Assign this role to team members focused on test execution, such as QA testers or automated testing systems.
  • Ensure Test Runners have clear guidelines on how to report and document test results.

5. Viewer

The Viewer role provides read-only access to QA Sphere, suitable for stakeholders who need to monitor progress but should not make changes.


  • Can view information in specific projects or all projects (as assigned).
  • All access is read-only; cannot make any changes to test cases, runs, or settings.

Best Practices:

  • Use this role for external stakeholders, clients, or team members who need to stay informed but are not directly involved in the QA process.
  • Regularly review Viewer access to ensure they only have visibility to relevant projects.

Managing Users and Permissions

As an Owner or Admin, you have the responsibility of managing users and their permissions. Here's how to effectively manage your team in QA Sphere:

  1. Adding New Users:

    • Navigate to the Settings Settings wheel > Members.
    • Use Email field to invite new users to the team
    • Assign the appropriate role and project access and click Send Invite.
  2. Modifying User Roles:

    • Navigate to the Settings Settings wheel > Members.
    • Click Edit
    • Change Role in the appropriate field
  3. Best Practices for User Management:

    • Regularly audit user roles and permissions to ensure they align with current responsibilities.
    • Implement a process for reviewing and updating permissions when team members change roles.
    • Use groups to manage permissions for multiple users with similar roles more efficiently.
    • Always follow the principle of least privilege: give users only the permissions they need to perform their tasks.


Understanding and properly utilizing QA Sphere's role-based access control is key to maintaining a secure and efficient QA environment. By carefully assigning roles and permissions, you can ensure that each team member has the access they need while maintaining the integrity and security of your QA processes.

Remember, the goal is to balance accessibility with security. Regularly review and adjust your user permissions to adapt to your team's changing needs and to maintain optimal workflow in your QA processes.