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The projects endpoint allows you to retrieve projects in your account.


Project visibility will depend if the user has proper access to the project. If you are the owner or an admin, you may grant access to users to a project by going to your QA Sphere account, then go to the Members page in settings to grant access to the user.

List Projects


Returns a list of all projects.


Status: 200 OK

projects: Array<{ // A list of projects
id: string // Unique identifier for the project
code: string // User specified unique identifier for the project
title: string // Name of the project
description: string // Description of the project
overviewTitle: string // Overview title shown in overview page of the project
overviewDescription: string // Overview description shown in overview page of the project
links: Array<{ // A list of links that is shown in the overview page of the project
url: string // URL of the link
text: string // Displayed text of the link
createdAt: Date // Date when the project is created
updatedAt: Date // Date when project information was last updated
archivedAt: Date | null // Date when the project has been archived

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Example Response

"projects": [
"id": "1CJo8oDjj_vkGo2rQAdzz4F",
"code": "BD",
"title": "Bistro Delivery",
"description": "Demo QA Sphere project about testing food delivery service",
"overviewTitle": "Bistro Delivery - Example",
"overviewDescription": "<p>Welcome to the <strong>Bistro Delivery</strong> example project. This project showcases a typical\n\t\tfood ordering website with features like a menu, shopping cart, and order process. We've included basic test cases,\n\t\torganized by type, tags, and priorities, along with test runs to demonstrate how QA Sphere can streamline your testing workflow.</p>",
"links": [
"text": "Bistro Delivery Site",
"url": ""
"text": "Automation Tests",
"url": ""
"text": "QA Sphere CLI Tool",
"url": ""
"createdAt": "2025-01-02T11:41:19.547371+04:00",
"updatedAt": "2025-01-02T11:41:19.547371+04:00",
"archivedAt": null

Error Responses

Status CodeDescription
500Internal server error during project listing

Get project by code or ID


Returns the project identified by code or id.


Status: 200 OK

id: string // Unique identifier for the project
code: string // User specified unique identifier for the project
title: string // Name of the project
description: string // Description of the project
overviewTitle: string // Overview title shown in overview page of the project
overviewDescription: string // Overview description shown in overview page of the project
links: Array<{ // A list of links that is shown in the overview page of the project
url: string // URL of the link
text: string // Displayed text of the link
createdAt: Date // Date when the project is created
updatedAt: Date // Date when project information was last updated
archivedAt: Date | null // Date when the project has been archived

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Example Response

"id": "1CJo8oDjj_vkGo2rQAdzz4F",
"code": "BD",
"title": "Bistro Delivery",
"description": "Demo QA Sphere project about testing food delivery service",
"overviewTitle": "Bistro Delivery - Example",
"overviewDescription": "<p>Welcome to the <strong>Bistro Delivery</strong> example project. This project showcases a typical\n\t\tfood ordering website with features like a menu, shopping cart, and order process. We've included basic test cases,\n\t\torganized by type, tags, and priorities, along with test runs to demonstrate how QA Sphere can streamline your testing workflow.</p>",
"links": [
"text": "Bistro Delivery Site",
"url": ""
"text": "Automation Tests",
"url": ""
"text": "QA Sphere CLI Tool",
"url": ""
"createdAt": "2025-01-02T11:41:19.547371+04:00",
"updatedAt": "2025-01-02T11:41:19.547371+04:00",
"archivedAt": null

Error Responses

Status CodeDescription
403User has no permission to access project
404Project not found
500Internal server error during project fetching