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Test Cases

The test cases endpoints allow you to retrieve information about test cases in your project. This can be useful for planning test runs and monitoring your test coverage.

List Project Test Cases


Retrieves all test cases within a project based on the filters provided in the request query parameters.

Path Parameters

  • project_id: The project identifier (can be either the project code or UUID)

Query Parameters

All query parameters are optional and some can be specified multiple times using the format param=value1&param=value2&param=value3.

ParameterTypeMultipleDescriptionAllowed ValuesExample
pagenumbernoPage number for fetching test cases in batchespage=1
limitnumbernoMaximum number of test cases to return, or maximum test cases per page (default: 10, if page is specified)limit=10
sortFieldstringnoField to sort byid, seq, folder_id, author_id, pos, title, priority, created_at, updated_at, legacy_idsortField=title
sortOrderstringnoSort order (requires sortField; default: desc)asc, descsortOrder=desc
searchstringnoFilter test cases by title (case insensitive, partial matches)search=ui
foldersnumberyesFilter test cases by folder ID (does not consider child folders)folders=10&folders=12
tagsnumberyesFilter test cases by tag IDtags=12
prioritiesstringyesFilter test cases by priorityhigh, medium, lowpriority=low
draftboolnoFilter test cases by draft statustrue, falsedraft=true
includestringyesInclude additional fields in the response which are omitted by defaultsteps, tags, project, folder, pathinclude=steps
  • Use pagination when project contains large number of test cases
  • Only include necessary non-default fields
  • Different filters are combined with AND logic
  • Multiple values for the same filter are combined with OR logic

Example Request

Fetch all test cases with default fields

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Fetch 20 test cases sorted by title in ascending order

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Fetch 7th page of test cases sorted by pos where each page contains 15 test cases

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Fetch all draft test cases

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Fetch 10 most recent added test cases

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Fetch test cases with "backend" in their title

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Response Fields

total: number, // Total number of filtered test cases
page: number, // Current page number (if page is specified in the request)
limit: number, // Limit (if specified) or number of test cases per page (if page is specified in the request)
data: Array<{ // List of test case objects
id: string // Unique identifier of the test case
legacyId: string // Legacy identifier of the test case. Empty string if the test case has no legacy ID
version: number // Version of the test case. Updates to test (except folder/pos) creates a new version
title: string // Title of the test case
seq: number // Sequence number of the test case. Test cases in a project are assigned incremental sequence numbers
folderId: number // Identifier of the folder where the test case is placed
pos: number // Ordered position (0 based) of the test case in its folder
priority: string // Priority of the test case (`high` | `medium` | `low`)
comment: string // Test description/precondition
files: Array<{ // List of files attached to the test case
id: string // Unique identifier of the file
fileName: string // Name of the file
mimeType: string // Mime type of the file
size: number // Size of the file
url: string // URL of the file
links: Array<{ // Additional links relevant to the test case
text: string // Title of the link
url: string // URL of the link
authorId: number // Unique identifier of the user who added the test case
isDraft: boolean // Whether the test case is still in draft state
isLatestVersion: boolean // Whether this is the latest version of the test case
createdAt: string // Test case creation time (ISO 8601 format)
updatedAt: string // Test case updation time (ISO 8601 format)

// Non default fields
tags: Array<{ // List of test case tags
id: number // Unique identifier of the tag
title: string // Title of the tag
steps: Array<{ // List of test case steps
description: string // Details of steps
expected: string // Expected result from the step
folder: { // Details of the folder where the test case is placed
id: number // Unique identifier for the folder
title: string // Name of the folder
comment: string // Additional notes or description
pos: number // Position of the folder among its siblings
parentId: number // ID of the parent folder (0 for root folders)
projectId: string // ID of the project the folder belongs to
path: Array<{ // Path to the folder where the test cases is placed
id: number // Unique identifier for the folder
title: string // Name of the folder
comment: string // Additional notes or description
pos: number // Position of the folder among its siblings
parentId: number // ID of the parent folder (0 for root folders)
projectId: string // ID of the project the folder belongs to
project: { // Details of project to which the test case belong
id: string // Unique identifier of the project
code: string // Short code of the project
title: string // Title of the project
overviewTitle: string // Title of the project overview
overviewDescription: string // Project Overview
links: { // Links relevant to the project
text: string // Title of the link
url: string // URL of the link
archivedAt: string // Project archival time (ISO 8601 format)
createdAt: string // Project creation time (ISO 8601 format)
updatedAt: string // Project updation time (ISO 8601 format)

Example Response

"total": 56,
"page": 0,
"limit": 1,
"data": [
"id": "1CEPaUhuR_yNsLvcbYJhw46",
"legacyId": "",
"version": 1,
"title": "User should see the image, name, description and price of the drink",
"seq": 46,
"folderId": 17,
"pos": 2,
"priority": "high",
"comment": "<ol><li><p>The \"Today's Menu\" block is opened</p></li><li><p>The \"Drinks\" tab is opened</p></li></ol>",
"files": [
"id": "135b56f5-d2f7-4e35-aaaa-65a45c7ffe1a",
"fileName": "bistro-drinks-menu-screenshot.png",
"mimeType": "image/png",
"size": 222410,
"url": ""
"links": null,
"authorId": 1,
"isDraft": false,
"isLatestVersion": true,
"createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"tags": [
"id": 148,
"title": "Products"
"id": 126,
"title": "REQ-3"
"steps": [
"description": "<p>Look at the drinks list</p>",
"expected": "<p>User should see:</p><ol><li><p>Valid image of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid name of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid description of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid price of the drink</p></li></ol>"
"folder": {
"id": 17,
"parentId": 11,
"title": "Drinks",
"comment": "",
"projectId": "1CEPaUhUd_whirk5zJ7kY5i",
"pos": 1

Get Test Case


Get details of a single test case using its ID, sequence or legacy ID.

Path Parameters

  • project_id: The project identifier (can be either the project code or UUID)
  • tcase_or_legacy_id: The test case identifier (can be one of test case UUID, sequence or legacy ID)

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Response Fields

id: string // Unique identifier of the test case
legacyId: string // Legacy identifier of the test case. Empty string if the test case has no legacy ID
version: number // Version of the test case. Updates to test (except folder/pos) creates a new version
title: string // Title of the test case
seq: number // Sequence number of the test case. Test cases in a project are assigned incremental sequence numbers
folderId: number // Identifier of the folder where the test case is placed
pos: number // Ordered position (0 based) of the test case in its folder
priority: string // Priority of the test case (`high` | `medium` | `low`)
comment: string // Test description/precondition
steps: Array<{ // List of test case steps
description: string // Details of steps
expected: string // Expected result from the step
tags: Array<{ // List of test case tags
id: number // Unique identifier of the tag
title: string // Title of the tag
files: Array<{ // List of files attached to the test case
id: string // Unique identifier of the file
fileName: string // Name of the file
mimeType: string // Mime type of the file
size: number // Size of the file
url: string // URL of the file
requirements: Array<{ // Test case requirement (currently only single requirement is supported on UI)
id: string // Unique identifier of the requirement
text: string // Title of the requirement
url: string // URL of the requirement
links: Array<{ // Additional links relevant to the test case
text: string // Title of the link
url: string // URL of the link
authorId: number // Unique identifier of the user who added the test case
isDraft: boolean // Whether the test case is still in draft state
isLatestVersion: boolean // Whether this is the latest version of the test case
createdAt: string // Test case creation time (ISO 8601 format)
updatedAt: string // Test case updation time (ISO 8601 format)

Sample Response

"id": "1CEPaUhuR_yNsLvcbYJhw46",
"legacyId": "",
"version": 1,
"title": "User should see the image, name, description and price of the drink",
"seq": 46,
"folderId": 17,
"pos": 2,
"priority": "high",
"comment": "<ol><li><p>The \"Today's Menu\" block is opened</p></li><li><p>The \"Drinks\" tab is opened</p></li></ol>",
"steps": [
"description": "<p>Look at the drinks list</p>",
"expected": "<p>User should see:</p><ol><li><p>Valid image of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid name of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid description of the drink</p></li><li><p>Valid price of the drink</p></li></ol>"
"tags": [
"id": 148,
"title": "Products"
"id": 126,
"title": "REQ-3"
"files": [
"id": "135b56f5-d2f7-4e35-aaaa-65a45c7ffe1a",
"fileName": "bistro-drinks-menu-screenshot.png",
"mimeType": "image/png",
"size": 222410,
"url": ""
"requirements": null,
"links": null,
"authorId": 1,
"isDraft": false,
"isLatestVersion": true,
"createdAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Get Test Case Count


Returns the total number of test cases that match the specified filters. If no filters are provided, returns the total count of all test cases in the project.

Path Parameters

  • project_id: The project identifier (can be either the project code or UUID)

Query Parameters

foldersnumberFilter by folder IDsfolders=1&folders=2
recursivebooleanInclude test cases in subfolders (requires folders)recursive=true
tagsnumberFilter by tag IDstags=1&tags=2
prioritiesstringFilter by priority levels (high, medium, low)priorities=high&priorities=medium
draftbooleanFilter by draft statusdraft=true

Example Requests

Basic Count

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Filter Examples

  1. Folder-based counting:
curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \
  1. Priority-based counting:
curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \
  1. Tag-based counting:
curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \
  1. Draft status counting:
curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \

Response Format

count: number // Total number of test cases matching the filters

Example Response

"count": 4

Error Responses

Status CodeDescription
401Invalid or missing API key
403Insufficient permissions or suspended tenant
404Project not found
400Invalid filter parameters
500Internal server error
Use Cases
  • Monitor test coverage by counting test cases across different folders
  • Track high-priority test case volume
  • Review draft test case count before publishing
  • Plan test runs based on tagged test cases
Filter Behavior
  • If no filters are specified, all test cases in the project are counted
  • Different filters are combined with AND logic
  • Multiple values for the same filter are combined with OR logic
  • The recursive parameter only applies when folders is specified

Update Test Case


Updates a test case using its ID, sequence or legacy ID. Only users with role User or higher are allowed to update test cases.

Path Parameters

  • project_id: The project identifier (can be either the project code or UUID)
  • tcase_or_legacy_id: The test case identifier (can be one of test case UUID, sequence or legacy ID)

Request Body

All fields are optional; only those fields that need to be updated should be included in the request.

title?: string // Optional: Test case title (must be between 1-255 characters)
priority?: string // Optional: Test case priority (`high` | `medium` | `low`)
comment?: string // Optional: Test case description/precondition
isDraft?: boolean // Optional: To publish a draft test case. A published test case cannot be converted to draft
steps?: Array<{ // Optional: List of test case steps
description: string // Details of steps
expected: string // Expected result from the step
tags?: string[] // Optional: List of test case tags (title)
requirements?: Array<{ // Optional: Test case requirement (currently only single requirement is supported on UI)
text: string // Title of the requirement (must be between 1-255 characters)
url: string // URL of the requirement (must be between 1-255 characters)
links?: Array<{ // Optional: Additional links relevant to the test case
text: string // Title of the link (must be between 1-255 characters)
url: string // URL of the link (must be between 1-255 characters)

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"title": "Changing to corresponding cursor after hovering the element",
"priority": "high"
}' \

Example Response

Status: 200 OK

"message": "Test case updated"

Error Responses

Status CodeDescription
400Converting a published test case to draft
401Invalid or missing API key
403Insufficient permissions or suspended tenant
404Project or test case not found
500Internal server error while updating test case