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QA Sphere CLI Tool Description

What is the QA Sphere CLI?

The QAS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool designed to bridge the gap between your automated testing processes and QA Sphere, our comprehensive test management platform. This tool enables seamless integration of your test automation results directly into QA Sphere, enhancing your ability to track, analyze, and report on your testing efforts.

Key Features

  1. Test Result Upload: The QAS CLI can upload test case results from JUnit XML files to QA Sphere test runs. This feature is particularly useful for integrating with various testing frameworks and CI/CD pipelines.

  2. Intelligent Matching: The tool matches test suite names and test case names from your JUnit XML files to QA Sphere's project folders and test cases, ensuring accurate result reporting.

  3. Attachment Support: With the --attachments option, the CLI can detect and upload relevant attachments along with your test results, providing more context to your test outcomes.

  4. Flexible Configuration: The tool supports configuration through environment variables or a .qaspherecli file, allowing for secure and convenient setup in various environments.

  5. Error Handling: The --force option allows you to continue uploads even when encountering API request errors, invalid test cases, or attachment issues, providing flexibility in different scenarios.

Why Use QAS CLI?

  1. Streamlined Workflow: Integrate your automated testing directly into your QA Sphere workflow, eliminating manual result entry and reducing the chance of human error.

  2. CI/CD Integration: Easily incorporate test result reporting into your continuous integration and deployment pipelines, ensuring up-to-date test status at every stage of development.

  3. Comprehensive Reporting: By automating the upload of test results, you can leverage QA Sphere's powerful reporting and analytics features more effectively, gaining deeper insights into your testing processes.

  4. Time Savings: Automate the tedious task of transferring test results, allowing your team to focus on analyzing results and improving test coverage.

  5. Consistency: Ensure that all test results are consistently reported and tracked in QA Sphere, regardless of when or where the tests are run.

By leveraging the QAS CLI tool, you can significantly enhance your test management process, bringing automation, consistency, and efficiency to your quality assurance workflows.